The Time To ... Club is a membership group for business owners who want to get their time and their sanity back.
Do you want to:
get more done in less time
be more efficient
waste less valuable time
spend less time at work and have more time for yourself and/or your family
be less stressed
avoid burnout
maybe even have time to actually grow your business
If any of this resonates with you, you are in the right place. I have created this Club for business owners like you who want get back in control of your time.
What is included?
a monthly masterclass with opportunities to ask questions (currently in planning are the following topics - in no particular order: mindset, procrastination, distractions, planning, habit creation, effective use of diary, goal setting/achieving, apps & technology, time management techniques, focus vs multitasking, breaks, your work environment)
a private LinkedIn group where you can connect with others, get accountability, ask questions, and where I'll provide weekly tips and resources to help you on your journey
I'm planning future elements to this club depending on demand. The price you pay will not change for you while you are a member of the club, however. Once you've signed up, that's the price you pay for as long as you remain a member.
The monthly masterclass is on the 2nd Friday of each month in the afternoon.

On behalf of the DJL, we found Isi to be a cheerful, reliable and insightful expert in her field and would highly recommend her for those looking to increase productivity of teams/firms as well as on a more personal basis too.
Laura Metthews, Deputy Vice President, Derby Junior Lawyers
I would recommend Isi to anyone who wants to make full use of the time they have during their working week and wants to be more productive!
Chris Williams, Lettings Manager, Kingswood Residential Investment Management
I would highly recommend Isi and her program and is a must do for any business owner or anyone struggling with their time and would need better tools to manage their days and life.
Sid Mohanty, MD & Estate Planning Consultant, Amadeus Legal Services
Isi's practical tips and tactics have been valued by staff and team leaders alike, and helped us make the next step in our journey.
Will Roberts, Chief Operating Officer, Youth Sport Trust
It was incredibly useful, surfacing key themes affecting productivity and packed full of ideas, techniques and practical suggestions to improve productivity. The training was delivered very supportively in a way that wasn't prescriptive (although there were a few things Isi strongly recommends!) - Isi formulates the training to ensure everyone gets something out of it and provides a toolkit for people to draw on in ways that work for them personally. The training also served to draw out how closely linked techniques to improving productivity are to techniques for improving wellbeing - an interconnectivity I hadn't appreciated prior to the training.
Claire Hislop, Head of Operations, Solving Kids' Cancer